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God Votes Democratic

God voted the straight Democratic ticket on November 4, decisively rejecting John McCain and Sarah Palin’s bid for the presidency and vice-presidency, respectively.

And Americans obeyed God’s will by sweeping Republicans out of office across the country, devastating the GOP on the national, state, and local levels. The results leave the Republican Party decimated. The “pundits” they deride, notably those from their own ranks, predict that it will take them years, perhaps decades, to rebuild after this catastrophe.

Sarah Palin herself has humbly accepted the election results as a manifestation of God’s wisdom, having announced on October 22, 2008 that “[I]t also strengthens my faith, because I’m going to know, at the end of the day, putting this in God’s hands, that the right thing for America will be done at the end of the day on Nov. 4. So I’m not discouraged at all.” Going further, on October 29 she said, “I truly believe that the wisdom of . . . of the people will be revealed on that day [November 4].”

That revealed wisdom has unequivocally informed Palin that the American people do not want her anywhere near the White House, and that God doesn’t want her there either.

God has truly blessed America with Her vote this week. Clearly, She considers the current crop of Republicans generally — and McCain and Palin specifically — unfit for national office, and made Her will known in no uncertain terms. Not to put too fine a point on it, She has made her displeasure with McCain and Palin manifestly clear to them, in such inarguable terms that they have no choice now but to retire from the national stage.

With McCain that’s a given, considering his age and health and temperament. Palin, however, may find it tempting to ignore “the wisdom of the people” and the judgment of “God’s hands” by seeking national office again in 2012. Such disobedience of God’s obvious instruction would constitute pride, one of the seven deadly sins, against which Palin should guard carefully, lest she allow Satan into her soul and leave herself susceptible to manipulation via witchcraft.

Gov. Palin’s run for the vice-presidency perfectly exemplifies the Peter Principle (formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter in 1967): “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” Peter elaborated on this by proposing that the employee would most likely neither rise to yet another, even higher level of incompetence nor fall back to the level of competence, but would remain thereafter at the first level of incompetence he or she attained.

We might then conclude that Palin found her level of competence as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, rose to her level of incompetence as that state’s governor, and should content herself with the governorship. Given her obvious lack of qualification for the vice-presidency and the presidency, in tandem with the election results, it seems safe to assume that God and the American people subscribe to the Peter Principle and understand the importance of taking strict measures to limit its damaging effect on the world.

I would urge Sarah Palin to heed the message sent directly to her by God and the American people on November 4. Neither God nor the American people like having to repeat themselves.

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