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Shifting the burden of the age factor to Trump and making Harris the vibrant face of the Democratic Party has already proved itself the major turning point in this election. Some of those who forced the crisis that brought this to pass acted in good faith, and righteously. And we need to recognize and thank them for it. […]
Nothing about this time-consuming yet vital censorship process was included in Morris’s version of the film saga. It is Morris’s deliberate avoidance or trivialization of the topic that raises suspicion that there must have been much more than he was willing to discuss. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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Election 2024: Image World (6b)
Shifting the burden of the age factor to Trump and making Harris the vibrant face of the Democratic Party has already proved itself the major turning point in this election. Some of those who forced the crisis that brought this to pass acted in good faith, and righteously. And we need to recognize and thank them for it. […]