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These are not cheerful photographs. They are direct, and specific metaphors for what would seem to be a profound and prolonged suffering which encompasses impotence, fear, deprivation, and loss. Their power resides in the preciseness with which they describe not merely what the eye has seen but what their maker has experienced. […]
In short, if you work on a computer and use the internet you already have and use some applications that will serve to generate the content you need to augment your F2F teaching and begin to teach online. Your first task, then, is to take inventory of the applications with which you already work and the skillsets you already have: your present toolkit for online and distance learning. […]
The crucial question is, To whom is my work addressed? To put it another way, who do you think you’re talking to? By this I mean quite specifically what audience do you as a critic desire and direct your work towards conceptually? […]
The four key elements of the critical equation are (1) the work, (2) the critic, (3) the vehicle or forum, and (4) the audience. Each of these represents a wide range of options; furthermore, each individual case is in a state of continual change. […]
Toward the end of the 1980s, I found myself growing increasingly disheartened with the progressive deterioration in the quality of education offered by the university department in which I taught, and the concurrent decline in the energies and involvement of its students. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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