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In this project we have made and continue to make a collective argument in support of a radical deconstruction of an enduring media myth — arguably the most high-profile myth of photojournalism, one of the most familiar in photo history, and one that has infiltrated the wider territory of cultural history. We have as our goal the presentation of sufficient contextualized evidence and reasoning to persuade even the most skeptical. Toward that end we use every tool at our disposal, with thoroughness and attention to detail prominent among those. […]
One of the first things they tried when they hired me at Magnum was to set me against the staff. They explained who they liked, and who they didn’t like, put me up to such plots as firing staff members, or conspiring against them. I admit to having participated in some of that out of my own inexperience. […]
Magnum is a kind of party in the political, not the fun, sense, a bankrupt Communist party riddled with conspiracy, lack of resolve, cut-throat egotism, secrecy, character assassinations and rumor-mongering, teetering on the edge of collapse from inefficiency. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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