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However garbled we find Samuel Fuller’s version of what Capa told him, and no matter how far-fetched the specific detail of a “cocky German officer” seems, there’s no reason to doubt that the meeting between Capa and Fuller took place, nor that their conversation included an exchange about Capa’s D-Day experiences and the photographs he made that day. […]
Kershaw in this 1984 book reproduces the first nine of Capa’s ten Omaha Beach 35mm images, commenting on each one in turn. Unfortunately, those annotations do not reflect well on Kershaw’s knowledge of photography or military equipment, nor on his ability to pay close attention to the evidentiary data encoded in photographs. […]
This makes the Capa portions of Landing on the Edge of Eternity a sorry display of little more than copying and pasting that masquerades as historical research and analysis. […]
A bit further on (and, in a historian, this is unforgivable), Robert Kershaw actually changes Capa’s own words to conform Capa’s account to the misleading version concocted by Richard Whelan, Capa’s official biographer. … That’s not revisionist historianship; it’s corrupt historianship, inexcusable. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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