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Weighed on the larger scale of things, the proposed methadone clinic’s predictable effect on those homeowners’ property values and sense of security is negligible, and the sacrifices involved on their parts mere fulfillment of their citizenly obligations to the town. […]
Yes, I will vote this morning. I always vote — doesn’t matter if it’s a national or local election. I’d have no objection if they made voting mandatory as a basic requirement of citizenship. I’d even approve a change to that effect. So I encourage you to vote today also. […]
Local Republican candidate Paul Tuzzolino claims to be “fiercely independent.” However, given his party affiliation, and his chosen party’s fealty to the twice-impeached, four-times-indicted convicted rapist, and the variety of fierce independence his Republican cohorts display, we have a right to demand that he put a finer point on his self-congratulatory assertion. […]
Evidence showing that Covid-19 enters the brain and causes dementia, especially in older brains provides ample reason to err on the side of caution, regardless of whether masking up entails experiencing head shakes and smirks and side-eye and even aggressive verbal snark from a-holes in the supermarket. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Opioid Tourism
Weighed on the larger scale of things, the proposed methadone clinic’s predictable effect on those homeowners’ property values and sense of security is negligible, and the sacrifices involved on their parts mere fulfillment of their citizenly obligations to the town. […]