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World o’ Gizmos 2016

Soon you won’t have to worry about the battery life of your portable devices. You’ll just insert a catheter into your urethra, piss directly into bags around your ankles, and slosh around at home or on the town as your socks convert the ripening pee into electrical charges. I can’t wait, and I’m sure you can’t either. […]

All Geek to Me

The recent incident in which a disgruntled self-described “stoner high school student” accessed the personal email account of the director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency provides sufficient proof that it takes nothing more than a teenage degree of cleverness and determination to access just about anything put into digital form. Given that fact, you will perhaps appreciate my standard question to the “internet everywhere” advocates I meet during this fall’s round of new-tech expos: Is it hackable? […]

World o’ Gizmos 2014 (1)

Make no mistake about it: The people involved in inventing, developing, and marketing these devices and apps consider no single area of your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual existence sacrosanct. There is no corner of your conscious or unconscious life that they do not feel free to invade and colonize. They want to own you as a digital consumer, waking and sleeping, 24/7/365, leap years included, cradle to grave. Coming soon: subcutaneous digital implants. You read it here first. […]

I’ve Seen the Future, and It’s In 3D (b)

The steadily shrinking size of all electronic gizmos, with the consequent vulnerability to theft, loss, and misplacement, will lead to subcutaneous implantation thereof in the foreseeable future. The nanotech breakthrough that has enabled the use of living cells — including human cells — as data storage and transmission units certainly places this possibility visibly on the event horizon. […]