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Recovering Nicely, Thanks
I turn 81 today. Given the state of the union, and the world, I find myself in reasonably good spirits. And, while I’m recovering from a chest cold, I’d have to say that I find myself in reasonably good health.
I’m up to date on all my shots, so I […]
I remain not optimistic but hopeful, in the sense of the word as defined by Vaclav Havel: convinced that it is important to perform certain actions regardless of unfavorable conditions and even in the face of evidence that they may prove ultimately unsuccessful. For me, that’s the motive for continuing to bear public witness, via the written and spoken word, to the experience of life in my time as I’ve lived it. […]
Even as a critic writing closely reasoned and sometimes scholarly pieces, or when producing what some now call “cultural journalism,” or as an occasional polemicist, I write for the ear as much as for the eye. Always. I hear all my writing as speech. If it doesn’t sound right when spoken aloud, I revise until it does. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
Birthday Musings 12/19/24
Recovering Nicely, Thanks
I turn 81 today. Given the state of the union, and the world, I find myself in reasonably good spirits. And, while I’m recovering from a chest cold, I’d have to say that I find myself in reasonably good health.
I’m up to date on all my shots, so I […]