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Roy DeCarava’s work itself — and what I might call the situation of that work in the field of photography when I came to it in the late 1960s — presented me with some important challenges as a writer about photography, and a chance to define in public some fundamental principles of my own project as a critic and historian. Few people understand what such an opportunity means to a critic, and how rarely it comes along. […]
In 1972 photographer Neal Slavin and I organized and hosted an event we named the Market Diner Bash. It constitutes a time capsule of the New York scene circa 1972. Neal and I agree that it’s time to initiate a reunion of the participants in that event. So we have begun plans for The Market Diner Bash Redux, tentatively planned for September 2010. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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