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This picture of him with the Clinton accusers represents Donald Trump’s total disregard for the opinions of others — even presumably trusted and trustworthy others — and their sound, considered advice. When he loses this election, as he will, he will have no one to blame but himself, no matter whom he scapegoats. He will have done it his way — stubbornly, spectacularly, and all on his lonesome. And, as ever, he will leave it to others to clear away the wreckage and repair the damage. […]
Michelle Obama chose, with great dignity, to speak about black history, and specifically to highlight one telling, little-known, and rarely mentioned historical fact: That slave labor helped build the White House where she and her family reside today. This was Michelle Obama’s historical moment, searing itself into the national consciousness with the same fire that blazed in Beyoncé’s Super Bowl “Formation” performance. Carefully calibrated for the occasion, surely, but just as potent in its own way. […]
The dominant image of the Republican National Convention’s first night — determined by perusing the next day’s coverage — became an array of side-by-side still images and videos of Melanie Trump and Michelle Obama, along with comparative images of the relevant texts of their speeches. This also took the lead in social media.That can’t have pleased the Trump campaign (reportedly, The Donald was furious). […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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Election 2016: Image World (15)
This picture of him with the Clinton accusers represents Donald Trump’s total disregard for the opinions of others — even presumably trusted and trustworthy others — and their sound, considered advice. When he loses this election, as he will, he will have no one to blame but himself, no matter whom he scapegoats. He will have done it his way — stubbornly, spectacularly, and all on his lonesome. And, as ever, he will leave it to others to clear away the wreckage and repair the damage. […]