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If you’re reading this, then obviously Jesus Christ did not consider you worthy of ascent to Heaven with Him in the Rapture. You’re doomed, in short, to stay around until the middle of the fall semester. And, as part of your punishment for your sins, you’ll receive these missives from me with updates about the lunacies and shenanigans of your colleagues in our little corner of the universe. […]
The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust, PRS Media Partners, LLC and Rick Norsigian appear to have decided to bury the hatchets ― or at least to have achieved a Mexican standoff. They’ve asked the Court to dismiss the Trust’s complaint and Team Norsigian’s counterclaim without prejudice. A spokesperson for Team Norsigian has assured me that (a) the team’s authentication efforts will continue ― under the guidance of recognized experts, one hopes, and involving strict forensic testing ― and (b) that they will continue to press their lawsuit against the University of Arizona-Tucson charging illegal civil conspiracy. […]
William Turnage ― who earns his handsome salary from the Trust on the presumption that he understands what a Trust’s regulations do and don’t allow ― didn’t know that a trustee can’t revoke a Trust’s provisions on whim. Thus, while Turnage clearly didn’t intend his attack on Katharine Martinez and the Center for Creative Photography as ineffectual, it turned out that way ― due to his ignorance and professional incompetence. Which inefficacy he now claims as a defense. The mind boggles. […]
William “Wild Bill” Turnage, Managing Trustee of the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust, has publicly gone into full CYA mode. Turnage wants to reverse the now-widespread perception of himself as a vindictive thug, consequent to the scandalous disclosure of his despicable manipulation of Katharine Martinez, director of the Center for Creative Photography, and his corruption of the administration of the University of Arizona-Tucson, whose library system houses and governs the CCP. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
CCP Job Opening: Caveat Emptor
If you’re reading this, then obviously Jesus Christ did not consider you worthy of ascent to Heaven with Him in the Rapture. You’re doomed, in short, to stay around until the middle of the fall semester. And, as part of your punishment for your sins, you’ll receive these missives from me with updates about the lunacies and shenanigans of your colleagues in our little corner of the universe. […]