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Election 2024: Image World (5)

It feels exceedingly strange to find myself alive at a time when the American experiment in democracy could come to a sudden end. So sudden that it even has a sell-by date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024. If Joseph R. Biden doesn’t get reelected by a substantial majority — or, even worse, if he loses to Donald Trump — this country will devolve almost immediately into a theocracy. […]

Ivanka Trump Tells All

According to Ivanka, the family found Trump’s triumph at the GOP convention “shattering,” and its aftermath incomprehensible. “Of course we encouraged him to enter the race,” she explained. “You don’t argue with an alpha male who has enough on you to ruin your life in a minute when he tells you that he’s going to rule the world.” But they never expected him to succeed in politics. “Nobody knew the American people were so gullible.” […]

Election 2016: Image World (9)

Cruz’s “snub,” as many have termed it, his refusal to explicitly endorse Trump, left the evening on a decidedly sour note — not least because, as the senator from Texas surely anticipated, it immediately became the major topic of discussion on social media, as well as in the news analyses that followed later that night. […]

Election 2016: Image World (8)

The dominant image of the Republican National Convention’s first night — determined by perusing the next day’s coverage — became an array of side-by-side still images and videos of Melanie Trump and Michelle Obama, along with comparative images of the relevant texts of their speeches. This also took the lead in social media.That can’t have pleased the Trump campaign (reportedly, The Donald was furious). […]