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Does it strike anyone else but me as strange that historians will go scrabbling around in the leavings of defunct, reticent, privileged amateurs like Alice Austen and Marjorie Content rather than grapple with the significant, published output of a living, breathing photographer who has functioned independently from the beginning and, without family wealth or husband to rely on, found ways of supporting herself and her work outside the academy and the grants system? […]
In 1972 photographer Neal Slavin and I organized and hosted an event we named the Market Diner Bash. It constitutes a time capsule of the New York scene circa 1972. Neal and I agree that it’s time to initiate a reunion of the participants in that event. So we have begun plans for The Market Diner Bash Redux, tentatively planned for September 2010. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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