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Many contemporary artists appear to believe that photography is a virgin territory without a history, free from relevant precedents and prior accomplishments: a brand new field of ideas which have not even been touched on by the medium’s own practitioners, in which any small step breaks new ground. […]
In the half-century of its existence SPE transformed itself from its original form as an unofficial, photo-specific splinter division of the College Art Association into something akin to photography’s equivalent of the Audubon Society: $20 plus an interest in birds gets you in — and they’ll waive the interest in birds. […]
The Return of Naruto
Surrogates for Naruto, the Indonesian macaque monkey who has become world-famous as a result of using professional photographer David Slater’s camera to generate a set of selfies, have returned to court to press their claim that Naruto holds the copyright to his images. According to his champions (and unknown […]
I consider it a measure of a certain kind of stubborn integrity that Les Krims, Duane Michals, Kenneth Josephson, and Robert Heinecken continued to self-identify as photographers instead of jumping ship and reinventing themselves as picture-makers in one or another of the art world’s approved categories. They knew the dynamics and politics of the art scene, and understood the price they’d pay for their decision. Which made this an act of principle. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
Dog Day Afternoons: Bits & Pieces (11)
The Return of Naruto
Surrogates for Naruto, the Indonesian macaque monkey who has become world-famous as a result of using professional photographer David Slater’s camera to generate a set of selfies, have returned to court to press their claim that Naruto holds the copyright to his images. According to his champions (and unknown […]