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Eyes on Ukraine (2)

Democracy itself is at stake. Not just here but in Ukraine — and, indeed, throughout Europe. The fight against fascism here in the States and the war in Ukraine have a clear connection. Success for either depends on success for both. […]

Election 2024: Image World (5)

It feels exceedingly strange to find myself alive at a time when the American experiment in democracy could come to a sudden end. So sudden that it even has a sell-by date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024. If Joseph R. Biden doesn’t get reelected by a substantial majority — or, even worse, if he loses to Donald Trump — this country will devolve almost immediately into a theocracy. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: The Moles of Summer

For the first time in over half a century I have (a) my very own resident groundhog but (b) no designated local season prognosticator of the woodchuck persuasion. Hence a dilemma I faced this past February: Who to believe about the advent of spring? […]

Election 2024: Image World (1)

With Nikki Haley’s announcement of her candidacy the 2024 campaign has officially started. And, in my opinion, the imagery that will affect this election has already begun to emerge. So I’ve decided to throw my photo-critical hat into the ring once more on this subject, and to do so even earlier this time around. […]

Election 2012: Image World (2)

With Obama’s 2008 campaign, and his election, the Democrats seemed intent on reinventing themselves as vertebrates after decades of spineless surrender of all moral high ground to the Republic Party. About the only remainder of that cowardice this past week was the kissing of God’s ass involved in amending the platform. […]