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Letters to an Emerging Critic (2)

What I can’t do in this blog is create the reputable, influential, multi-author, multi-subject periodical in which my writing on photography coexists with and gets contextualized by writings on different subjects from a flock of equally informed others, as it once did. That’s a publishing enterprise far beyond my scope, requiring pockets much deeper than mine and an editorial/managerial skill set I just don’t have. […]

Letters to a Young an Emerging Critic (1)

I gather that you aspire to becoming a working photography critic — which might mean that you would piece together a revenue stream from some different activities, as I have (some writing, some teaching, some lecturing, some curating perhaps), but that you’d get paid for all of them, including the writing. In which case the writing would be done vocationally, not avocationally, meaning that you’d take it on as part of your daily job, not as a hobby or sideline. […]

Birthday Musings 12/19/10

Having worked freelance all my life, I understood from the outset the necessity of reinventing oneself periodically. Roughly every decade of my professional life has required radical redefinition of my work, my activities, and my skill sets. This past decade, the Oughts (or Aughts), has followed that pattern. […]

Thoughts on the Freelance Life

The publication of such a glib, superficial and ill-considered “psychoanalytic” attack on freelance activity beneath a sensationalized headline was obviously intended as a provocative act; I found myself impelled to respond. A great many of my professional colleagues and close friends — artists, writers, photographers and others — have chosen to exist in what this remarkable diagnosis so condescendingly calls a “lowly status,” and they don’t strike me as inherently any more neurotic than the average late-twentieth-century American. […]