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Election 2016: Image World (14)

So, from a strictly visual standpoint, the enduring images of the first Clinton-Trump debate: a confident, satisfied, beaming Clinton and a sneering, scowling, unhappy Trump. Small wonder, for anyone who absorbed the debate’s verbal content. In 90 minutes, Trump managed to alienate any undecided African Americans, Latinos, and women whom he might have swayed to his side. […]

Election 2016: Image World (13)

A. D. Coleman as Donald Trump, selfie, 3-16-16

Handing It to Rubio

Let me start this week’s commentary on the 2016 presidential campaign imagery with a note about Marco Rubio as the author of a powerful image.

Yes, I know, Rubio’s long since out of the race, pretty much dead […]

Film the Police (4)

If you want to think of yourself as an informed citizen, and speak in an informed way about police practices in the United States, I think you owe it to your fellow citizens (and to yourself as well) to read the U.S. Department of Justice report “Investigation of the Baltimore City Police Department,” issued on August 10, 2016. […]

Election 2016: Image World (11)

Michelle Obama chose, with great dignity, to speak about black history, and specifically to highlight one telling, little-known, and rarely mentioned historical fact: That slave labor helped build the White House where she and her family reside today. This was Michelle Obama’s historical moment, searing itself into the national consciousness with the same fire that blazed in Beyoncé’s Super Bowl “Formation” performance. Carefully calibrated for the occasion, surely, but just as potent in its own way. […]

Election 2016: Image World (10)

The stills and videos of Trump at the podium during his acceptance speech, radiating anger and contempt and self-satisfaction, strike me (and, from the commentaries I’ve read, many others) as downright scary, though I’m sure neither Trump not his supporters feel the same. At the very least, those visuals don’t make him into a babe magnet for suburban soccer moms. […]