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We can’t know how Socrates would respond to our current situation, of course. But as someone who tries to teach in an approximation of what I understand as the Socratic style, I find synchronous online/distance learning anything but impersonal. To the contrary, it’s extremely personal, interactive, and involving. […]
In short, if you work on a computer and use the internet you already have and use some applications that will serve to generate the content you need to augment your F2F teaching and begin to teach online. Your first task, then, is to take inventory of the applications with which you already work and the skillsets you already have: your present toolkit for online and distance learning. […]
It pleases me to announce my immediate and ongoing availability for webinars, remote live lectures and virtual class visits, as well as online project consultancy. These are designed for independent groups, schools, commercial and non-profit galleries and artists’ spaces, museums, and other organizations and institutions that consider my work relevant to their constituencies. […]
Having worked freelance all my life, I understood from the outset the necessity of reinventing oneself periodically. Roughly every decade of my professional life has required radical redefinition of my work, my activities, and my skill sets. This past decade, the Oughts (or Aughts), has followed that pattern. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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