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For all intents and purposes, this election is now over and Donald Trump has lost. Neither the media, the American electorate, nor Hillary Clinton have any obligation to await his concession before acknowledging her victory and his defeat and moving forward on the night of November 8. […]
The observant individual who noticed that anomaly, brought it to the world’s attention, and thereby made a real if minor adjustment to the historical record, had no training or expertise in either photography or military history. His effort did, however, require one particular and relatively rare skill: the ability to pay close attention to photographs without making assumptions about their content or allowing their contextualizing material to influence your thinking. In my book, that makes him a critic. […]
The sheer quantity of visual imagery disseminated today during a national election, its diversity of forms, its variety of sources and distribution methods, and the rapidity with which image succeeeds image, destabilizes the electorate’s perception of the candidates. For unified, coherent Renaissance representation it substitutes Cubist depiction of its subjects, a collage of glimpses built up over the course of the campaign, fluid and unfixed in the mind perhaps even at the moment the voter steps into the booth to cast the ballot. […]
To what extent the Republic Party’s ineptitude with imagery doomed the Romney-Ryan campaign — the degree to which they misjudged and/or mishandled visual communication in this election, or were otherwise undone by it — will prove difficult to gauge with any degree of precision. But its recurrence as a prominent issue suggests that it played a significant, perhaps substantial role in shaping the electorate’s perceptions of Romney and Ryan. […]
The recurrent visual image of middle-aged white male Republicans telling women that, if raped and impregnated by a man, they should grin and bear it (or, more precisely, thank God for that “gift” and bring it to term at the risk of their lives), can’t possibly help them woo the women voters they so desperately need. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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Election 2016: Image World (16)
For all intents and purposes, this election is now over and Donald Trump has lost. Neither the media, the American electorate, nor Hillary Clinton have any obligation to await his concession before acknowledging her victory and his defeat and moving forward on the night of November 8. […]