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So we end up back where we started out — but with a considerable twist: a major newspaper putting its imprimatur on our revisionist version of the Capa D-Day story, and the originator and most dedicated teller of that now-tattered tale, John G. Morris, at long last ceasing and desisting from repeating yet again his discredited version. […]
We must consider the decision by Donald R. Winslow of the National Press Photographers Aassociation (NPPA) to employ a suspect journalistic approach for this particular article — the discredited “he said, she said” model — and his choice of writer to practice it on this set of issues as calculated, not inadvertent, and definitely not ignorant or uninformed. […]
It’s at once sad and comical to watch Morris and his coterie scrambling to find rationales, no matter how unlikely and absurd, for the impossibilities and contradictions in the various versions of Capa’s D-Day actions and the fate of his negatives that they’ve peddled over the past seven decades. Right now they’re making it up as they go along — and making fools of themselves as they do so. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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