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Eyes on Ukraine (2)

Democracy itself is at stake. Not just here but in Ukraine — and, indeed, throughout Europe. The fight against fascism here in the States and the war in Ukraine have a clear connection. Success for either depends on success for both. […]

Election 2016: Image World (11)

Michelle Obama chose, with great dignity, to speak about black history, and specifically to highlight one telling, little-known, and rarely mentioned historical fact: That slave labor helped build the White House where she and her family reside today. This was Michelle Obama’s historical moment, searing itself into the national consciousness with the same fire that blazed in Beyoncé’s Super Bowl “Formation” performance. Carefully calibrated for the occasion, surely, but just as potent in its own way. […]

Election 2016: Image World (4)

I skipped the the first nine Republic Party debates. They have scheduled a stupefying total of twelve; from what I’ve glimpsed, if projected in order as an endless loop they could make good on Donald Trump’s threat, if elected, to go “beyond waterboarding” in the “War on Terror.” […]