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Like a persistent vision that just won’t fade, Romney continues to function as an active afterimage of both Republicanism and Mormonism, insistently imbedding the negative perception he’s generated of both those faiths ever deeper into the public consciousness. A gift that keeps on giving. The damage he’s already caused to his co-religionists in those two persuasions already runs deep. Romney appears intent on ensuring that it leaves a permanent scar. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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Election 2012: Image World (16)
Like a persistent vision that just won’t fade, Romney continues to function as an active afterimage of both Republicanism and Mormonism, insistently imbedding the negative perception he’s generated of both those faiths ever deeper into the public consciousness. A gift that keeps on giving. The damage he’s already caused to his co-religionists in those two persuasions already runs deep. Romney appears intent on ensuring that it leaves a permanent scar. […]