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Guest Post 37: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (z)

The question becomes this: does the photo show LCI(L)-94 already retracting after its first landing? These two timelines argue that Capa landed first, and subsequently photographed LCI(L)-94 during its first approach to the beach. […]

Guest Post 37: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (y)

This would seem to prove definitively that Capa’s account of his boarding of LCI(L)-94 is not accurate. There simply wasn’t time for him to go to the engine room, thoroughly dry off, smoke a couple of cigarettes, pick off all the kapok debris, change film (maybe?) and regain his composure in time to go back above decks and start taking pictures just off the beach. […]

Guest Post 37: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (x)

At this point there remains just one aspect of Capa’s D-Day adventure left to examine: his departure from Omaha Beach aboard LCI(L)-94 (which stands for Landing Craft Infantry (Large)-94). Let’s see how his description of this phase of his adventure stands up to scrutiny. […]

Springing Forward: Bits & Pieces

Ironic that in the case of Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith an otherwise astute member of the court’s liberal minority, Justice Elena Kagan, should offer a surprising arrogant and patronizing dissent that pretends to art-historical savvy while merely parroting postmodern “theory” and art-market rationales. […]

Election 2024: Image World (2)

The only disappointment on the otherwise momentous and joyous occasion of Donald Trump’s first-ever indictment on criminal charges? NYC D.A. Alvin Bragg decided, presumably for strategic reasons, to forego not just public documentation of the arrest and processing but also the production and distribution of the standard mug shot of the accused. […]