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Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (40b)

This makes the Capa portions of Landing on the Edge of Eternity a sorry display of little more than copying and pasting that masquerades as historical research and analysis. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (40a)

A bit further on (and, in a historian, this is unforgivable), Robert Kershaw actually changes Capa’s own words to conform Capa’s account to the misleading version concocted by Richard Whelan, Capa’s official biographer. … That’s not revisionist historianship; it’s corrupt historianship, inexcusable. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (39)

Cynthia Young has a bad habit that’s fatal to credible scholarship: By dint of her position as the de facto world’s foremost Capa authority, she considers herself entitled to simply make up shit like this. […]

Birthday Musings 12/19/18

If all goes as planned, over the winter and spring we will relocate to Stone Ridge, a hamlet within Marbletown, NY, a 15-minute drive away from Kingston and a few minutes more away from Woodstock, New Paltz, and Poughkeepsie. Just 90 miles due north of Manhattan, but much quieter, more rural, and definitely less abrasive than this outer-borough locale. […]

A. D. Coleman on Photo Books, 1978 (d)

From now on, when people start to talk about or to write about the illustrated book as a phenomenon in book cultures, they’re going to have to start taking into account the photography book as a kind of entity in itself. […]