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Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (45)

We can date John Morris’s active involvement in generating the Capa D-Day myth to sometime during the summer or fall of 1954, when, as Executive Editor of Magnum Photos, he wrote the captions for a posthumous Capa portfolio that would appear in the 1955 edition of U.S. Camera Annual. […]

Three Weeks in Bookworm Heaven (4)

All of this contributes to my knowledge base and experience in ways that will surely manifest themselves in subsequent work. This is one of the intangible benefits that an opportunity such as the Teti Fellowship provides to visiting scholars like myself. Yet the future of this remarkable collection appears uncertain, at least in the short term. […]

Three Weeks in Bookworm Heaven (3)

The Waters of Our Time’s imitation of its source positions it as a wannabe companion piece, an aspiring equal, intended to stand beside The Sweet Flypaper of Life and get compared to it. Arrogant, to say the least, and an unwise wager to boot, because it simply doesn’t resonate (for me, in any case) in the way that the DeCarava-Hughes classic did and still does. […]

Three Weeks in Bookworm Heaven (2)

Grove Press publisher Barney Rosset and his designer stayed out of Frank’s way, simply following the layout of Frank’s maquette for The Americans, letting the pictures, individually and collectively, speak for themselves. That this edition failed commercially doesn’t really matter; through it Frank’s visionary project made its way into the world, and into cultural consciousness, on its own terms. […]

Three Weeks in Bookworm Heaven (1)

To give just a hint of the collection’s scope, of the key photobooks listed in The Book of 101 Books: Seminal Photographic Books of the Twentieth Century, edited by Andrew Roth, the Teti Collection has 50. That alone makes it a destination resource for researchers. […]