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A Manifesto for Photography Education (1971)

We are the “illiterates of the future” Moholy warned us about; and our children will be the illiterates of an even more hopeless future unless we transcend our current fantasies about photography education and align them at last with the higher realities of our time and place. […]

Guest Post 27: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (i)

The credibility of Wiliam Kays’s 2010 account falls apart under close examination. While much of his book is based on contemporary letters to his family, the bulk of the text consists of reminiscences, which are subject to the same memory issues as other personal histories recorded decades after the fact. […]

Guest Post 27: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (h)

For those die-hards who cling to Capa’s “First Wave With Company E” myth, Fuller’s inaccuracies have become sacred truths. The fact that Capa himself affirmed he was on the Chase, not the Henrico, has had no effect on their delusions. […]

Guest Post 27: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (g)

Between Charles Hangsterfer inaccurately placing his D-Day landing time at least an hour too early — an extremely common tendency in later oral histories — and his assertion that he saw Capa still behind a tank on the beach, his story has helped distort and confuse the Capa timeline. […]

Photography into Sculpture (1970)

The difference between a graphic artist such as Robert Rauschenberg, who incorporates photographic images in his work, and a photographer such as Scott Hyde, who employs silk-screen techniques in producing his final picture, is one that I do not care to define. […]