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Aside from the fact that we liked and respected each other, I never figured out exactly why Cynthia decided to put her imprint a book of my essays, Tarnished Silver: After the Photo Boom, in 1996. […]
Bob Landry’s landing film was not lost, nor is it missing. It’s right before our eyes. We don’t recognize it as such because we expect his first film to show scenes from D-Day. But there is no Landry film from D-Day, for the simple reason that, apparently, he did not land on D-Day. Certainly there is no evidence that he did. […]
Film that did make it off the beach and back to London had to face two additional obstacles. First, would the censors pass it? The second obstacle was perhaps the most daunting: would anyone care about the images? […]
It is clear that the legend of a duffel bag full of D-Day still and motion-picture film “dropped overboard” is a fable. There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate it, and much to disprove it. […]
This “lost film” tale centers on Utah Beach. In brief, the D-Day film from that beach was supposedly entrusted to a courier who then accidentally dropped it into the ocean while climbing aboard a ship. This seems to be merely a miasma of self-reinforcing rumors with no factual basis. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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Dog Day Afternoons: Bits & Pieces (13)
Aside from the fact that we liked and respected each other, I never figured out exactly why Cynthia decided to put her imprint a book of my essays, Tarnished Silver: After the Photo Boom, in 1996. […]