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Guest Post 29: Colleen Thornton on Paul Grottkau and Lucy Parsons (5)

That Lucy Parsons was not “white” was apparent to both the audiences she addressed and the mass media that routinely reported on her activities. The published observations of her physical attributes referred to her skin color in euphemistic terms such as “dusky,” “mulatto” and “quadroon,” or bluntly as “negro” and “negress,” adjectives and nouns all used to sully her reputation and undermine her credibility. […]

Guest Post 29: Colleen Thornton on Paul Grottkau and Lucy Parsons (4)

The relationship between photographer and sitter is, at best, an intimate collaboration that serves mutual purposes. This photograph of Lucy Parsons by Paul Grottkau is a perfect example of that truism, and quite possibly a conscious attempt to seize control of the public narrative from a hostile media. […]

2020 Vision: Photojournalism’s Next Two Decades (2000), 3

By the end of the twentieth century, you and your classmates were reading about the disposition of this or that photographer’s life’s work. Some did it well, some did it badly, and some didn’t do it at all — so the stuff got tossed out, or damaged, or dispersed, or simply vanished into thin air. […]

2020 Vision: Photojournalism’s Next Two Decades (2000), 2

As a young 21st-century maker of informationally oriented imagery, you’re familiar with and knowledgeable about both print media and digital media. You can use analog cameras, perhaps even prefer them for some tasks, but increasingly your clients and your vehicles prefer digital systems. Therefore, much of your activity is digital from start to finish. […]

2020 Vision: Photojournalism’s Next Two Decades (2000), 1

Imagine yourself fast-forwarded and plunked down — as you will shortly be, de facto — at the very beginning of 21st-century photography. Wave goodbye to the past; look at the present and toward the immediate future. What do you see between now and the year 2020 — a time frame during which, I’d assume, most of those here this afternoon expect to continue to live active professional lives? […]