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Guest Post 29: Colleen Thornton on Paul Grottkau and Lucy Parsons (1)

Hard facts about the [1886 Haymarket] bombing [in Chicago] still remain clouded and the guilt of most, if not all, of the eight convicted men is still questioned. The innocence of the four executed anarchists has been largely proven retroactively. It is one of the “Haymarket Martyrs,” Albert R. Parsons, executed on November 11, 1887, who connects Paul Grottkau the political activist to Paul Grottkau the professional photographer, via this singular image of a mixed-race woman. […]

John Pfahl (1939-2020): A Farewell

John Pfahl’s innovative work in landscape photography focused on the problems of perception and representation. He systematically questioned the medium. His early and probably best-known series, “Altered Landscapes,” is a perfect example of his constant quest. […]

Webinars, Remote Lectures, Virtual Class Visits & Online Consulting

It pleases me to announce my immediate and ongoing availability for webinars, remote live lectures and virtual class visits, as well as online project consultancy. These are designed for independent groups, schools, commercial and non-profit galleries and artists’ spaces, museums, and other organizations and institutions that consider my work relevant to their constituencies. […]

Peter Beard: A Farewell (1938-2020)

Collage/assemblage as a medium seems simple, but in practice is quite complex. Mr. Beard has mastered it on many levels, from the tactile and visual to the intellectual and intuitive. Everything in these works becomes integral to them, retaining its own flavor and texture while also blending with the other ingredients, as in a perfectly made stew. […]

Spring Fever/Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces (2020)

Among my mottoes I include “Nihilism: There’s no future in it.” I find I can only mope and grump for so long before it gets boring. So I’ve laid in a supply of unpopped kernels for my hot-air popcorn machine. Let’s watch the show. […]