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Guest Post 33: Dennis Low on the Gian Butturini/Martin Parr Controversy (b)

For all of Moritz Neumüller’s profuse appeals to impartiality and critical objectivity, the very notion that Gian Butturini’s book LONDON had not only offended, but offended widely — indeed, globally — remains an untested one, founded not upon documentary evidence, but on faith, or magical thinking, alone. […]

Guest Post 33: Dennis Low on the Gian Butturini/Martin Parr Controversy (a)

Exuding an exhaustive scholarliness and an air of academic authority, Neumüller’s textual apparatus thus becomes unstable on close inspection, at its worst incomplete, misleading, and factually inaccurate. … Parr and Butturini’s social media detractors, very limited in number and audience, never put forward a case to support their claims that Butturini’s London was a racist text. […]

Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces 2022 (2)

If anything describes my condition at this juncture, and for some years back, there you have it: I stubbornly cling to a dying profession, or, more accurately, my own eccentric mélange of such — criticism, historianship, investigative journalism, informed cultural reportage. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (51)

However garbled we find Samuel Fuller’s version of what Capa told him, and no matter how far-fetched the specific detail of a “cocky German officer” seems, there’s no reason to doubt that the meeting between Capa and Fuller took place, nor that their conversation included an exchange about Capa’s D-Day experiences and the photographs he made that day. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (50)

In my opinion, da Cunha’s work constitutes not only an exemplary achievement in the context of the Capa D-Day investigation but a major contribution to the forensic analysis of photographic materials, one that sets a benchmark for future inquiries. […]