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Farewell to Billie the Bengal

Long-time and regular readers of this blog may remember our cat Billie, who made occasional appearances in my posts, serving as a mascot of sorts for it. She joined our household on May 9, 2012, exactly ten years to the day before her unexpected departure therefrom. […]

Spring Ahead: Bits & Pieces 2022 (1)

If, as seems quite possible now, the hubristic ineptitude of a mediocre ex-KGB officer brings post-Soviet Russia to its knees and reveals it as a second-class power, you could serve up slices of that irony (without air quotes) at summer cookouts across the free world and have people queuing for seconds right up through Labor Day weekend. […]

Jerry Uelsmann (1934-2022): A Farewell

Issued at that particular historical moment ([in 1967], “Post-Visualization” virtually guaranteed that Jerry Uelsmann would find himself in the eye of a storm for years to come; not only did it declare its author’s intent to serve as a spokesperson for the approach described therein, but it implied his willingness to have his work treated as a litmus test for the theory’s validity, an example of its application in practice. […]

Guest Post 34: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (w)

The challenge consists not so much in proving that Landry did not come ashore on June 6 but in finding evidence that he did land on D-Day. So far, the evidence for a D-Day landing is scant, error-prone, and far from convincing. […]

Guest Post 34: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (v)

Given the vague, highly generic and often clearly incorrect details of his narratives, it appears that much of LeSueur’s reporting was merely a mishmash of secondhand accounts which he gathered from those who landed before he did, and which he imperfectly incorporated into his own story. […]