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Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Fall Back

On the last days before the rain and chill set in, during the first week of November, Anna and I spent hours on the grounds of the Stone Ridge Library, harvesting the seeds of its female ginkgo tree. I take gingko biloba capsules as a holistic supplement, but Anna knows how to make a tasty, healthful, traditional Chinese dessert from the seeds. We foraged close to 4 pounds of seeds, enough for many such treats. […]

Guest Post 36: Andrew Molitor on the Walker Evans Clock

Errol Morris’s position is, I think, quite clearly against the idea that the Burroughs family owned an alarm clock. He does not accept his own third option as credible, any more than James Curtis does. How on earth both Morris and Curtis managed to convince themselves of this, against all the efforts of Occam’s Razor, is something of a mystery itself. Nevertheless, the situation is even worse than that. […]

The Curious Case of the Arbus Casebook (2)

I think it likely that those who buy this “enhanced” version of these texts will be lookers, not readers, more engaged with the book’s visual, sensual appeal than intrigued by and ready to become absorbed in the polyvocal discourse it contains. […]

The Curious Case of the Arbus Casebook (1)

I can think of no other postmodern-era project that has at once paid such homage to Walter Benjamin while at the same time so thoroughly refuting him — by making a convincing argument that even digitally rendered, mechanically generated facsimiles of mass-produced artifacts can effectively contain and transmit the experience he called “aura.” […]

Get Out and Vote!

You have only till the polls close to cast your vote. Though it’s “only” a midterm election, this is arguably the most important election of your lifetime. Please stop reading this and go perform your most basic civic duty: Vote. […]