Major Series: 2015
Election 2016: Image World. As a citizen, I’ve followed presidential campaigns for over half a century. But I had never tracked one in my professional role as a photography critic and commentator on new media until the imagery emerging from the 2012 “race for the White House” evoked a lengthy series of posts on that theme. Taking on the same challenge for the 2016 election, I decided to start early, since the race began officially in March 2015 and the images quickly began to emerge.

Cellphone video screenshot (YouTube), Eric Garner chokehold by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, 7-15-14
Film the Police. I have commented periodically at this blog about citizen-journalist videos of grievous police misconduct. But the shameful spectacle of the nation’s top law officer, FBI Director James Comey, announcing repeatedly that the problem isn’t widespread and racially skewed abusive police behavior but citizen-journalist and police dashcam/bodycam videos of same, moved those issues front and center. In response, I have decided to offer, in installments, a thematically curated collection of the videos that provide evidence of pervasive police misconduct across the United States, with my own commentaries thereon.
Robert Capa on D-Day: This series of posts began in June 2014 when the distinguished photojournalist J. Ross Baughman, who had contributed an earlier Guest Post on painters using photographs as source material, emailed to ask if I would consider publishing his analyses of Robert Capa’s D-Day negatives and the legend of their subsequent fate. It turned into a three-year-long investigation that resulted in the thorough debunking of this myth.