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Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (53c)

This provides further evidence that all the incoming D-Day film from LIFE’s assigned photographers underwent stringent censorship before John Morris ever laid eye on it — the Occam’s-razor explanation for the missing first portion of Capa’s lone 35mm roll of Omaha Beach exposures. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (53b)

This document proves that John Morris was fully aware of, and an active participant in, that SHAEF/MoI censorship system, which fact he conveniently failed to mention in all of his subsequent accounts of the fictional darkroom disaster that supposedly “ruined” Capa’s D-Day films. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (53a)

Recent research has uncovered a treasure: the protocols for annotating and processing incoming films from the photographers assigned by LIFE magazine to cover the D-Day invasion. It is dated May 8, 1944, less than a month before the event. […]

Eyes on Ukraine (1)

Though by definition I can only observe the war in Ukraine from afar, I don’t think of myself as merely a spectator, nor of this as a spectator sport. Count me instead as a concerned citizen of the world — a world that the outcome of this catastrophe will affect deeply. And someone who sees democracy worldwide at stake here. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (52b)

In the end, it seems fittingly ironic that the Occam’s-Razor explanation for all of Capa’s missing D-Day negatives turns out to be the scissors of the censor. The legend of the lost negatives resulted from nothing more or less than the needs of Capa’s outsize ego. […]