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Lee Witkin Interview 3 (1981)

When we started out [in 1968], there was a hundred and thirty years of material by people who had something to say whom no one had listened to. Part of the excitement of photography is that hundred and forty years. I think if you isolate the last five years of photography and look at what’s been done, it’s not that much more exciting than what’s been done in painting or any other field. […]

Lee Witkin Interview 2 (1981)

You don’t have to deal with people you don’t admire. I have severed a lot of relationships with people whose behavior patterns and philosophies were not mine. I’m not saying that they were criminal, or wrong, or even unethical; they were just not on my ethical wavelength, and I could not deal with that. […]

Lee Witkin Interview, 1 (1981)

At this stage the gallery is like an enormous, endless monster — it devours all of my time, and there’s no way I can do all of those things I just mentioned without having a bunch of people help me. That in itself triggers a whole new series of problems. […]

Fall Back: Bits and Pieces 2021

I took the summer off to take care of other business and regroup my forces. I also hoped to relax, but the total lunacy that surrounds us now — which began with The Donald descending the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 and has mainlined steroids — made that impossible, at least mentally.

No man in […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (48)

This note in Peter Caddick-Adams’s massive study, “Sand and Steel: The D-Day Invasions and the Liberation of France,” provides evidence that our research has begun to affect the field of military history as well. […]