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Cabin Fever 2018: Bits & Pieces (a)

If, in the not too distant future, someone needs vivid illustrations of the decline of American culture, they can simply juxtapose an image of Donald Trump frothing at the mouth over some peeve du jour with one of a teenager bubbling over with Tide. […]

Kremlingate: The Visuals (2)

You have visualized that scene of Donald Trump in the Moscow hotel room with urinating hookers. Don’t deny it. Yes, I mean you, right there, right now, reading this: You have imagined it, in some detail. Because we have all been imagining it, ever since Buzzfeed leaked the Steele dossier in January 2017. […]

Kremlingate: The Visuals (1)

This book has already done, and will continue to do, irreparable damage to the image of the Trump Gang, individually and collectively. The image of Trump and his enablers and co-conspirators as a reckless, witless Gang That Couldn’t Think Straight bumbling their way into treason, deftly limned here by Michael Wolff, will endure. […]

Ring In the New: 2018

I’ve long since abandoned the fantasy that a “photography community” exists. I play the hand I’m dealt. Reluctantly, I accept the evaporation of the horizontal platform for what I do and settle for this vertical substitute. So let’s call this blog aspirationally horizontal/vertical but effectively vertical. […]

Year-End Ends and Odds, 2017

Hoping that Santa was good to you, I present here my own small assortment of little tidbits that, at least for now, don’t seem likely to expand into longer commentaries. […]