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Private Lives in Public Places (2)

How many of the images we see in the mass media, in textbooks, and in other vehicles, are such spurious, falsified “factoids?” Does anyone in the field consider the consequences to the subjects of such images generated by such misuse? And, on a larger scale, the consequences to the citizenry when its informational network is thus compromised and corrupted? […]

Private Lives in Public Places (1)

Photographs made of people on the street or in other public places without the consent of the subjects raise questions of ethics as well as aesthetics. What rights do we have as citizens over the control of representation of ourselves, and what rights do photographers have in regard to making images in public situations? […]

Film the Police, 5

Do you want to live in the police state that the reelection of Trump will enable? Have you registered to vote? Have you requested your absentee ballot? Have you planned how you will cast your ballot in this election — by mail or in-person? If the latter, where? Will you vote early if possible in your state? Are you urging everyone in your circle to vote? The survival of this flawed democracy hangs in the balance between now and November 3. Get woke. Stay woke. […]

Dog Day Afternoons: Bits & Pieces (13)

Aside from the fact that we liked and respected each other, I never figured out exactly why Cynthia decided to put her imprint a book of my essays, Tarnished Silver: After the Photo Boom, in 1996. […]

Spring Fever/Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces (2020)

Among my mottoes I include “Nihilism: There’s no future in it.” I find I can only mope and grump for so long before it gets boring. So I’ve laid in a supply of unpopped kernels for my hot-air popcorn machine. Let’s watch the show. […]