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Scratch a Good American: Anti-Semitism in the USSR (1988)

“Scratch a good American,” says the Oriole,” “and you’ll find a good German.” Ari had just scratched a good American. […]

Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces 2022 (1)

Prediction for 2022: The inherently poisonous effect of social media will become ever more obvious. The fact that Mark Zuckerberg has any degree of influence over the survival of democracy will finally become understood as terrifying. […]

Fall Back: Bits and Pieces 2021

I took the summer off to take care of other business and regroup my forces. I also hoped to relax, but the total lunacy that surrounds us now — which began with The Donald descending the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 and has mainlined steroids — made that impossible, at least mentally.

No man in […]

Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces 2021 (1)

Astonishing to watch Q-Anon’s bizarre reprise of the Salem witch trials writ large (satanism, pedophilia, Bill and Hillary Clinton as ruler of the vast coven) combined with a lightly veiled version of a classic anti-Semitic trope, the blood libel of Democrats (for which read leftists, for which read Jews). To cite Richard Kirstel yet again, “Scratch a good American and you’ll find a good German.” […]

Autumn Leaves: Bits and Pieces

Free-market capitalist economies not only allow but encourage and, frequently, reward even the most disruptive technological innovations. Indeed, the very term “disruptive” has become an honorific and a term of uncritical approval. Yet the events of recent years have offered up a veritable bouquet of expressions of regret from pioneers of aspects of the internet and online life. […]