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Election 2012: Image World (11)

The recurrent visual image of middle-aged white male Republicans telling women that, if raped and impregnated by a man, they should grin and bear it (or, more precisely, thank God for that “gift” and bring it to term at the risk of their lives), can’t possibly help them woo the women voters they so desperately need. […]

Election 2012: Image World (10)

the dominant visual image generated by the debaters was unquestionably Romney’s unexpected “binders full of women,” which instantly went viral as an internet meme. Turns out the whole story was a bald-faced fabrication from start to finish. More evidence that outright lying is not a sin, according to Mormon theology. […]

Election 2012: Image World (9)

Paul Ryan is the human face of “compassionate conservatism,” in other words. The rise to the top of the Republic Party of this cynical, opportunistic piece of white Wisconsin trash is proof positive that, even in the fetid waters of the radical right, fecal matter floats. […]

Election 2012: Image World (8)

The imagery of Obama posted at the website of the Mecklenburg County, VA Republican Committee harks back to (and in many cases resembles and even replicates) forms of racist imagery that circulated widely as picture postcards, illustrations in periodicals and books, and other print media at least through the 1950s. […]

Lt. John Pike Goes Viral (8)

To the $1 million settlement in the UC Davis pepper-spray lawsuit add the $1,116,135 in actual monies paid out to manage this crisis, plus $1 million for other internal expenses and $1 million for diminished reputation. And let’s not forget the $240K Pike cost the university as settlement in a 2008 racial and sexual discrimination lawsuit resulting from his alleged homophobic slurs directed at an openly gay Asian-American fellow officer. Grand total so far: $4,356,135. That’s one pricey hire. […]