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If journalists wanted to work as nurses, medics, doctors, firefighters or other first responders, or sisters of mercy like Mother Teresa, they’d have chosen a different profession or calling and undergone a much different kind of training. They elected instead to make their livings practicing various forms of a craft that makes a different but hardly easier set of moral and ethical demands on them. […]
The most useful way to approach this, I think, involves assuming that, faced with the imminent death of a fellow citizen whom he might possibly (but might well not) have saved at his own considerable peril, a professional photographer opted to make pictures of the situation rather than attempt to intervene in it. “Opportunity confers moral responsibility,” Noam Chomsky wrote in a very different context. But of course opportunity comes in a spectrum of degrees. […]
While they say revenge is a dish best eaten cold, schadenfreude is best served piping hot. Obama quickly arranged to scarf down a plateful fresh out of the oven. And he set it up so as to share that treat with all of the “47 percent,” plus any others who’ve come to reject and despise Mitt Romney. I’m talking about Obama’s “private lunch” with Romney at the White House on Thursday, November 29. […]
A fair bet that those Staten Islanders who bore the brunt of Sandy voted for Romney (or would have if they could have made it to the polls). Which of course doesn’t stop them from calling out for help from FEMA, which Romney-Ryan would have loved to de-fund. Not that they deserve the devastation of their homes as payback for their hypocrisy. Or that divine retribution played some role in that. I’m just saying. […]
Like a persistent vision that just won’t fade, Romney continues to function as an active afterimage of both Republicanism and Mormonism, insistently imbedding the negative perception he’s generated of both those faiths ever deeper into the public consciousness. A gift that keeps on giving. The damage he’s already caused to his co-religionists in those two persuasions already runs deep. Romney appears intent on ensuring that it leaves a permanent scar. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.
Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
The Photographer as Citizen (2)
If journalists wanted to work as nurses, medics, doctors, firefighters or other first responders, or sisters of mercy like Mother Teresa, they’d have chosen a different profession or calling and undergone a much different kind of training. They elected instead to make their livings practicing various forms of a craft that makes a different but hardly easier set of moral and ethical demands on them. […]