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Election 2024: Image World (8)

For the September 10 debate with Trump, Harris and her team selected the on-screen position of maximum visual strength and control of the media context — an extremely savvy decision. Watch any portion or clip with the sound turned off to verify the impact of this choice on your experience of the proceedings. […]

Election 2024: Image World (7)

Stock up on popcorn. You can help it fulfill its potential and achieve its destiny, passing through what the faithful kernels call “The Rupture” via whatever device you use until they can truly say “We are risen!” (Only a few get left behind.) […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Small-Town Talk (2)

Many of us say “I am an atheist, but I don’t ‘evangelize.'” And that’s the problem right there. We need to meet true believers on their home ground — buttonholing them on the street, knocking on the doors of their private residences on Sunday mornings, slipping fliers under their doors. In short, the world situation cries out for evangelical atheism. […]

Election 2024: Image World (6b)

Shifting the burden of the age factor to Trump and making Harris the vibrant face of the Democratic Party has already proved itself the major turning point in this election. Some of those who forced the crisis that brought this to pass acted in good faith, and righteously. And we need to recognize and thank them for it. […]

Election 2024: Image World (6a)

Captain Biden and his co-pilot Kamala Harris have given us a veritable “Miracle on the Hudson” — but relocated to the Potomac. Not only did they land the metaphorical plane safely for all aboard but — after a brief layover for maintenance and refueling — they took off again, almost as if nothing had happened. Indeed, as if everything had gone according to plan, with the flight still on time and all the passengers magically upgraded to first-class. […]