The fact that, in the 21st century, enough people in this country buy the nonsense Trump peddles to vault this dangerous know-nothing into the “leadership of the free world” tells me that the American experiment has come to an ignominious end. […]
The fact that, in the 21st century, enough people in this country buy the nonsense Trump peddles to vault this dangerous know-nothing into the “leadership of the free world” tells me that the American experiment has come to an ignominious end. […] Philip Rivkin’s subsequent scam demonstrated that photographs — some of them, anyhow — have become valuable enough that, like works of visual art in the other media, they can now prove useful for money-laundering purposes, worth smuggling internationally. This represents a step forward for the medium of photography in its relation to the market and the economy — a proud moment, in my opinion, certainly meriting some formal acknowledgment as such. […] Fashion model Winnie Harlow’s career represents yet another instance of the social importance of disabilities — and, more broadly, differences — going mainstream. When anything beyond the norm goes public via a forthright, positive visual image thereof, from sexual orientation to physical characteristics, tolerance and then acceptance follow close behind. […] Soon you won’t have to worry about the battery life of your portable devices. You’ll just insert a catheter into your urethra, piss directly into bags around your ankles, and slosh around at home or on the town as your socks convert the ripening pee into electrical charges. I can’t wait, and I’m sure you can’t either. […] |
Cabin Fever 2017: Bits & Pieces (1)
So far as I can tell, though several Instagram followers commented on Jared Kushner’s “booty grab,” Frank Bruni alone made official note of it — and that only obliquely. So you probably read it here first. […]