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In terms of our initial “mission statement,” the project was over a long time ago. Originally the project goal was to donate work to 10 or perhaps 15 museums, with a total estimated “gallery retail” value of $150,000. As of today we are at 82 museum donations and the donated print value appears to be $2,211,750, with additional museums still on my “active” list. […]
The “giving back” aspect [of The Museum Project] was intended for all museums that have supported photography historically, and initially I was more interested in locating museums that appeared more prone to use the donated work — either university “teaching museums” or smaller museums with an active photography-exhibition calendar. […]
Most significant in his response to my review of his 1985 Robert Capa biography is Richard Whelan’s refusal here to consider, or reconsider, the technical implausibility of the London darkroom explanation, a mistake he inexplicably continued to compound right up to 2007. […]
Capa’s two photos have become iconic images symbolizing inertia, fear and even the failure of nerve of the common soldier on the beaches of Normandy. What a travesty that these men who made decisive contributions to the success of the campaign, despite every danger and hindrance, should have become poster boys for lack of resolve under fire. And all as the result of a caption that told the wrong story. […]
Since Capa himself provided no notes for his D-Day images, captioning them was left to those who had never witnessed an amphibious assault, much less the Omaha Beach landings. When LIFE’s editors added a caption that was accurate in the macro sense — but wholly inaccurate for that particular scene — they condemned this photo to misreading for decades to come. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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