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Herman LeRoy Emmet (1943-2021): A Farewell

Herman Emmet’s models, I know, are Agee-Evans and W. Eugene Smith, among others. This work emerges from that lineage, extends the thrust of those seminal efforts, and deserves to stand in their company. But it certainly is not of interest exclusively to those concerned with serious photography, who may well prove to be only a small segment of its audience. […]

Harry Callahan Interview 2 (1971)

I just don’t know what makes a picture, really — the thing that makes it is something unique, as far as I can understand. Just like one guy can write a sentence and it’s beautiful and another guy can write it and it’s dead. What that difference is, I don’t know. […]

Harry Callahan Interview 1 (1971)

I always felt you can’t make that many good pictures a year. A friend of mine went to Europe for about six months; he came back and he said, “Let’s see what you’ve been doing.” I said, “I’ve only got one picture that’s any good.” And he looked at it and said, “Well, it’s worth a year’s work.” […]

The Southern Ethic (1975)

Take them for what they are: images of the South by people who live there. Some of these photographers are in transition, but then so is the South itself. Some of them will leave, and their work will be molded by other places. But some of them will stay, to put down roots here, to nourish, and be nourished by, whatever the South becomes. […]

Peter Bunnell (1937-2021): A Farewell

“I was snookered into photography to begin with — captured by certain aspects of the medium — and it’s simply been a matter of deciding what I could do within that context. The whole reason I’m in this curatorship is Beaumont [Newhall].” […]