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Free-market capitalist economies not only allow but encourage and, frequently, reward even the most disruptive technological innovations. Indeed, the very term “disruptive” has become an honorific and a term of uncritical approval. Yet the events of recent years have offered up a veritable bouquet of expressions of regret from pioneers of aspects of the internet and online life. […]
We agreed to meet Morris for lunch once, him and his “bodyguards.” His issue was in fact our lack of “tact” in the way we cast light on the “Falling Soldier” story. He listened to our arguments. I must say I got a little frustrated, saying that we would fight to the end … my producer was wiser, and conceded. […]
Cornell Capa’s intervention, as well as that of ICP’s lawyers, was rather brutal. They sent us threatening injunctions. We soon understood they would do whatever it took to stop us from making the movie. […]
We kuffar who stand outside the faith do those moderate Muslims no service when, like Ben Affleck and other well-meaning white liberals, we parrot the lie that ISIS/ISIL is not an accurate reflection of Islam, when in fact it represents a fundamentalist form of the faith practiced by people who have studied the Qur’an and the hadiths, and who follow to the letter procedures and plans approved by high-ranking religious figures. It may not be the whole picture, but it’s unquestionably part of it. […]
Without exception, my workshop participants at the Penland School of Crafts experienced a profound disconnect between Shelby Lee Adams’s verbal contextualization of his pictures — fairly close to his commentary on them in the Baichwal film and elsewhere — and the photographs themselves. […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

Neither A. D. Coleman nor Flying Dragon LLC are responsible for the content of external Internet sites to which this blog links.
Autumn Leaves: Bits and Pieces
Free-market capitalist economies not only allow but encourage and, frequently, reward even the most disruptive technological innovations. Indeed, the very term “disruptive” has become an honorific and a term of uncritical approval. Yet the events of recent years have offered up a veritable bouquet of expressions of regret from pioneers of aspects of the internet and online life. […]