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I’ll Go On
I did not plan to spend my seventies confronted daily by the latest doings of a dangerously egomaniacal ignoramus and his malignant cronies, intent on reshaping my world by striving to undo every bit of progress achieved in this country over my lifetime. Yet here I sit, staring into the […]
I left the country just once this year, for the Athens Photo Festival in early June. Aside from that, I left New York City only twice, both times to receive awards — the first at the Society of Professional Journalists dinner at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on the evening of June 26, for our team’s Capa D-Day project, the second to Philadelphia on November 7 for The Photo Review Award 2015. […]
The recent incident in which a disgruntled self-described “stoner high school student” accessed the personal email account of the director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency provides sufficient proof that it takes nothing more than a teenage degree of cleverness and determination to access just about anything put into digital form. Given that fact, you will perhaps appreciate my standard question to the “internet everywhere” advocates I meet during this fall’s round of new-tech expos: Is it hackable? […]
SPJ Research Award 2014
Thought for the Day Ignorance is a condition; dumbness is a commitment.
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Published by Flying Dragon LLC.

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