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Birthday Musings 12/19/16

I’ll Go On

I did not plan to spend my seventies confronted daily by the latest doings of a dangerously egomaniacal ignoramus and his malignant cronies, intent on reshaping my world by striving to undo every bit of progress achieved in this country over my lifetime. Yet here I sit, staring into the […]

World o’ Gizmos 2016

Soon you won’t have to worry about the battery life of your portable devices. You’ll just insert a catheter into your urethra, piss directly into bags around your ankles, and slosh around at home or on the town as your socks convert the ripening pee into electrical charges. I can’t wait, and I’m sure you can’t either. […]

Election 2016: Image World (17)

It’s Mourning in America

… after the rudest of awakenings. And while the ugliest, scariest presidential campaign of my lifetime, by a factor of — I can’t even pick a multiplier — has ended, the waking nightmare has barely begun. Given his age, Donald Trump will not likely run again (he’ll […]

Election 2016: Image World (13)

A. D. Coleman as Donald Trump, selfie, 3-16-16

Handing It to Rubio

Let me start this week’s commentary on the 2016 presidential campaign imagery with a note about Marco Rubio as the author of a powerful image.

Yes, I know, Rubio’s long since out of the race, pretty much dead […]

Film the Police (4)

If you want to think of yourself as an informed citizen, and speak in an informed way about police practices in the United States, I think you owe it to your fellow citizens (and to yourself as well) to read the U.S. Department of Justice report “Investigation of the Baltimore City Police Department,” issued on August 10, 2016. […]