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Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (c)

“A Day in the Life of America” was a classic bait-and-switch maneuver, directing the public gaze toward nonsense images while the Reagan administration savagely attacked ordinary working people. Lacking spontaneity, decontextualized, and bordering on puffery, the artless Day in the Life of America remains arguably the most embarrassing collection of images in the annals of photography. […]

Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (b)

With great hubris, Rick Smolan and David Cohen were going to reinvent photojournalism. The first tactic of this radical makeover: ignore conventional reportage by dispersing photographers to randomly selected venues and inviting them to burn as much film as possible in a 24-hour period. […]

Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (a)

The Collins “Day in the Life of …” series of books was the first spectacular disruption aimed at transforming professional photographers into undervalued content providers, the unfortunate state of affairs that today confronts those wishing to make a career of making images. […]

Ring In the New: 2018

I’ve long since abandoned the fantasy that a “photography community” exists. I play the hand I’m dealt. Reluctantly, I accept the evaporation of the horizontal platform for what I do and settle for this vertical substitute. So let’s call this blog aspirationally horizontal/vertical but effectively vertical. […]

2017: That Was The Year That Was

This marks the end of the eighth full calendar year for Photocritic International, which made its debut in June 2009. During the past 12-month period I’ve published 54 posts here (counting this one), averaging 4.5 per month. According to Google Analytics, as of midnight on December 31, 2017 this blog had served up almost 54,000 […]