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Pepper-Spray Cop: Update (b)

Do you suppose one might reasonably infer some connection between a school that, under Annette Spicuzza’s guidance, dramatically underreports sexual assault, a local judiciary that dramatically underpunishes it when a privileged white frat boy is concerned, and the campus atmosphere that nurtured this rapist? And would you consider it unreasonable to hold Spicuzza accountable for that in some degree? […]

Pepper-Spray Cop: Update (a)

I wouldn’t find it surprising if, as a disgraced administrator, Katehi finds it discomfiting to stay on at UC Davis after her obligatory year there. Once she leaves, she would likely be considered toxic and unemployable by any reputable western institution, especially in the education field. But no doubt they’d welcome her at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a country where kleptocracy is the law of the land. […]

Film the Police (4)

If you want to think of yourself as an informed citizen, and speak in an informed way about police practices in the United States, I think you owe it to your fellow citizens (and to yourself as well) to read the U.S. Department of Justice report “Investigation of the Baltimore City Police Department,” issued on August 10, 2016. […]

Election 2016: Image World (6)

The visual images of mostly white men preventing a legitimately elected black president from appointing a highly qualified candidate to the Supreme Court may suit the “base” just fine, but with these and the Flint images all over the media in the final months of the campaign they can pretty much kiss the “minority” vote goodbye. […]

Election 2016: Image World (4)

I skipped the the first nine Republic Party debates. They have scheduled a stupefying total of twelve; from what I’ve glimpsed, if projected in order as an endless loop they could make good on Donald Trump’s threat, if elected, to go “beyond waterboarding” in the “War on Terror.” […]