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Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (b)

With great hubris, Rick Smolan and David Cohen were going to reinvent photojournalism. The first tactic of this radical makeover: ignore conventional reportage by dispersing photographers to randomly selected venues and inviting them to burn as much film as possible in a 24-hour period. […]

Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (a)

The Collins “Day in the Life of …” series of books was the first spectacular disruption aimed at transforming professional photographers into undervalued content providers, the unfortunate state of affairs that today confronts those wishing to make a career of making images. […]

Kremlingate: The Visuals (1)

This book has already done, and will continue to do, irreparable damage to the image of the Trump Gang, individually and collectively. The image of Trump and his enablers and co-conspirators as a reckless, witless Gang That Couldn’t Think Straight bumbling their way into treason, deftly limned here by Michael Wolff, will endure. […]

Ring In the New: 2018

I’ve long since abandoned the fantasy that a “photography community” exists. I play the hand I’m dealt. Reluctantly, I accept the evaporation of the horizontal platform for what I do and settle for this vertical substitute. So let’s call this blog aspirationally horizontal/vertical but effectively vertical. […]

Time Capsule 1972: Collier’s Encyclopedia Yearbook

Conceptual art, happenings, and the snapshot aesthetic met again this year, often with better results than expected. Bernadette Mayer, a New York poet, shot an entire 36-exposure roll of color film every day for a month, had them printed by a drugstore processing concession, and mounted “Memory,” a show which included all 1,116 images in sequence, accompanied by a taped monologue which used the photos as a jumping-off place. […]