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Lee Witkin Interview, 1 (1981)

At this stage the gallery is like an enormous, endless monster — it devours all of my time, and there’s no way I can do all of those things I just mentioned without having a bunch of people help me. That in itself triggers a whole new series of problems. […]

Fall Back: Bits and Pieces 2021

I took the summer off to take care of other business and regroup my forces. I also hoped to relax, but the total lunacy that surrounds us now — which began with The Donald descending the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 and has mainlined steroids — made that impossible, at least mentally.

No man in […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (48)

This note in Peter Caddick-Adams’s massive study, “Sand and Steel: The D-Day Invasions and the Liberation of France,” provides evidence that our research has begun to affect the field of military history as well. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (47)

With Operation Fortitude South in mind, should we consider the possibility that SHAEF’s system-within-a-system for retrieval of civilian press coverage of the D-Day invasion did not in fact fail, but instead operated exactly as it was intended to do? […]

Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces 2021 (1)

Astonishing to watch Q-Anon’s bizarre reprise of the Salem witch trials writ large (satanism, pedophilia, Bill and Hillary Clinton as ruler of the vast coven) combined with a lightly veiled version of a classic anti-Semitic trope, the blood libel of Democrats (for which read leftists, for which read Jews). To cite Richard Kirstel yet again, “Scratch a good American and you’ll find a good German.” […]